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L'Atelier d'Esther  is a private art studio owned by an artistic couple, native from Belgium and France and living in New Smyrna Beach, FL. They share their love and passion for arts, with twenty six  years of art practice as independent artists. Their background studies ? In decorative painting (Ecole Blot, Reims, France) and art history, archaeology, at Ecole du Louvre (Paris, France). Their commissioned art works belong to private collections in Chile, England, Belgium, France, New Zealand and the U.S. L'Atelier d'Esther has an extensive experience in large-scale mural  projects and Fine Art for homes and commercial businesses.


What L'Atelier offers:


-Some clients like having custom murals painted within the rooms of their homes and therefore require L'Atelier d'Esther expertise as a muralist rather than a typical interior designer.

-Ability to develop individual ideas to answer our customer's expectations.

-We offer High quality of hand painted mural (rather than stencils use), which gives a very authentic touch to the mural art piece. We never compromise the quality of our work.

-Strong observational, research and analytical skills, creative problem solving, with specific practical and creative techniques knowledge, such as painting, drawing, print and sculpting.

-Techniques used: a fresco, faux finishes, false marble, false wood techniques, Trompe l'oeil.

-Depending on the type of project, we may use different types of materials respecting the tradition, artistic period

-Historic, Mythology, Antiques, Medieval, Renaissance references... as well as contemporary art: our Artists will be able to create a project for  ancient homes, mansions, historic site, as much as  modern sites, respecting the spirit and quality of the place, style, period, techniques.


Vous accompagner dans vos projets artistiques :


L'Atelier d'Esther est à la disposition des particuliers comme des professionels pour les aider réaliser leurs projets de décoration. Les artistes de l'Atelier ont une formation initiale en peinture décorative (Ecole Blot, Reims), histoire de l'Art et archéologie (Ecole du Louvre, Paris), conjuguées a une expérience pratique de 30 ans en arts visuels.

Techniques utilisees: Trompe l'oeil, faux bois, faux marbres, fresque, peinture acrylique, utilisation de pigments naturels...


Particuliers :

- fresques murales intérieures ou extérieures pour personnaliser votre environnement (influences antiques, médievales, restaurations..)

- imitations de matières (effets bois, marbres, etc.).

- illustrations.

- portraits.

- etc...


Professionnels :

- devantures de magasins.

- enseignes personnalisées.

- décors d'ambiance.

- vitrines.



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